At least once in our life we will have a pink room.
And single men reading this (would a single straight man even read this?), one day you may marry a girl who wants a pink room for either herself, your baby, your teenage daughter, or as a guest room.
Because let’s face it, pink done right is stunning, and it makes everyone in its glow look prettier. (Plus, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and I have pink on my mind!)
Here’s pink done right:
Here’s pink done wrong (literally):
Like the Taj Mahal in the glow of the setting sun, I prefer pink when it’s paired with interesting lines, profiles and contrasting details. When pink meets strength, it becomes sophisticated and won’t go saccharinely sweet or overly juvenile.
Here’s a good rule of thumb: don’t use a shade of pink not found in nature. If it looks like clown makeup, it’s clown makeup…
Now let’s see how we can pull this shade off in a room.
The Paint
A perfect shade of pink is Benjamin Moore’s “Frosted Petal” (2089-70). Pale and warm without too many cool notes, this shade is delicate and strong all at once. It’s a magical color for a bedroom because it’s a whisper of pink without being too soft.

The Fabrics and Finishes
I chose textiles for this room in varying shades of pink mixed with a few complimentary colors to keep the room from feeling “paint by number” or “one note.” An eclectic combination allows the room to look like it naturally evolved over time. You can see the different shades throughout the space: Rose, Persimmon and Lavender, beautiful tones of flowers that all grow in the same region.
The headboard is the focus of the room and echoes architecture of the Far East. This piece anchors the space and sets the tone, while wood blocked bedding and a traditional matelassé add an element that’s timeless and chic.
Pairing sea grass and wool rugs is classic, and accessories like scrimshaw boxes, a carved wooden mirror and a silver pitcher used as a vase allow the room to resemble a gallery for a traveler’s collections over the years.

The Furniture
Never been to the Taj Mahal? No problem, neither have I! Still, I selected pieces with strong architectural interest and varying profiles to reflect the well-traveled clients I imagine sleep here (even if they’re only dreaming of world travel at the moment like I am.) *wistful sigh*
Frosted, iridescent paint on the bedside table creates a playful dialogue with the mirrored desk/vanity on the opposite side of the bed. Both pieces offer a modern twist on traditional profiles, which beg for the slick modern lines of a mid-century style dresser. The white, squared, tight back of the armchair both balances and echoes the strong lines of the dresser while offering softness to the room.

The Layout
The pink story in this room works in countless ways: a welcoming guest room, romantic master suite, teenage bedroom, or even a sophisticated little girl’s room.
In the weeks to come, we’ll show you how this scheme can work as an adorable nursery with a completely different layout. And with a few small changes, you can create a precious room that will grow with your darling girl.
The floor plan in your house will likely be different from the one pictured here. That’s not a problem! Right here we show you how easy it is to reconfigure everything from the Pink Room in your own space.
At last you can stop making costly design mistakes!
Below is a rendering just for you, a scaled printable floor plan with elevations, and a buying guide of where you can buy every item in this room.
So, please, go shamelessly embrace a pink room and do it right!
Happy Shopping!