So often we hear that choosing wallpaper feels “scary”, and we get it, wallpaper is a big design decision! It isn’t cheap – you have to commit to a pattern and if you don’t like it, it can’t easily be changed in a weekend like paint colors. We really do understand how this can seem daunting…
If you’re new to wallpaper and are wanting to try it for the first time, a powder room is the perfect place! Half bathrooms are generally small, so they require less paper (that’s more money in your pocket). And powder rooms usually have the door shut (even when not in use) so whatever wallcovering you choose does not have to coordinate with nearby rooms. Simply, it’s the perfect space to try something bold and unique.

In the precious bathroom pictured above, we used a fabulous bird print paper. I love how the trunks almost make a stripe. (Check out the before and after by scrolling here.) It really is a remarkable transformation and brightens the room in the most lively way!
These are some of my favorite papers that we’ve recently used, are currently using for clients’ projects, or are dying to use in future houses!
The wide variety of cityscapes, Oriental-inspired patterns, animal themed, and floral prints in this collection offer instant, easy personality to a room that often goes ignored or overlooked. Wallpapers this bold take more effort to successfully pull off in a larger space, but in rooms this simple, they can be the hero with little effort. That’s why we love powder rooms–almost anything goes! Best: Whether you have white porcelain tile or stone wainscoting, a cream toilet or black one, a pedestal sink or stained wood vanity, we chose wall coverings that work with almost any existing surfaces, fixtures or fittings! So please go find a wallpaper that makes you smile and buy the little bit it will take to transform a half bath!
Happy Shopping!