Hanover Avenue Designs a “White Knight” Bedroom

For the girl who is looking for Mr. Right

We all want to find that man who sweeps us off of our feet and keeps us smitten for the next 80 years. I found my Dreamboat/Beauhunk/Facejock when I was just a dingbat in my early twenties, and for some reason, he loves me more now than he did then? In short, he is my White Knight, and any girl with a medium-high amount of “daddy issues” knows that finding a Prince Charming is a relief – it sure was for me!

The goal of this room was simple: create a room that Mr. Right would want to come to ( . . . visit!) and obviously would want to visit more than once.

There is really nothing so chic as layering whites and neutrals while precisely combining many movements of furniture and varying textiles. This room has so much going on under the surface, but it looks effortless and casual – kinda like the lady who we imagine lives here! We like the perfect blend of graphic lines married with softer profiles (like man and woman), and we carefully considered every accessory and finish – flawless, baby, FLAW. LESS.



It’s a big day at Hanover Avenue because Jane Denton, an artist we adore from New Zealand, created art for us to go in this space. In the faintest whisper of pink, the woven threads make a “check” and an “x” – a tongue and cheek nod to men who “make the cut” and men who “don’t”.

Sarah Dickinson of Sarah’s Book Shelves is at it again for this room! She’s pulled together books she imagines the fabulous girl who sleeps here would read.

“Who is this woman?”, she asks me realizing that this whole room is made out of thin air and my mind’s eye.

“Oh you know, I’m imagining she’s a stunning girl living in London with a fabulous career who’s looking for Mr. Right.”, I reply, “She’s smart, funny, and making her own money. She probably loves to read ‘trash’ (but she knows she needs to have a few books that make her look ‘normal’.) And like me she probably has some ‘issues’ but the man who ends up staying in this room will find her issues endearing.”

And through her dry-witted laugh I hear her say, “Got it.” Mere days later, she emails me her top 10 books for the room – I know I’ll devour every page! Here’s a peep at a few but the rest are right here.

Rachel Yonan of Touting My Wears carefully chose a nightgown for “I love you tonight” and another for “I love reading ‘Hanover Avenue’ tonight” because, let’s face it, sometimes you want to get wrapped up in His Arms and sometimes you just want to get wrapped up in The Google.

Lastly, we even found pretty jewelry that works no matter what your mood! *Side note: my friend from college who makes this jewelry, found her White Knight years ago and has four precious babies with him – three of whom are adorable girl triplets! And she still looks 25, which is both amazing/inspiring/and infuriating! Seriously, you should see her figure and her entire line of gorgeous accessories. Highfive, Elizabeth Howard Newton!!!


We love a flawless elegance that is distinctly feminine yet still inviting for a man. Best, this room will never fall out of fashion – its look will stand the test of time, just like true love.

Our biggest wish is that you get to experience the thrill of designing gorgeous rooms without the worry of design missteps. That’s why we have made it so easy to Become Your Own Designer – no matter what your room layout! Just click “Explore This Room” (in upper right corner) to get started: Buying Guides, Design Guides, How To Videos and more!

This bedroom is one of our favorites yet, so make it your own, and find the man of your dreams!



ps Today is my 39th birthday, and Dreamy Rad Tollett, I would like this room by 40. Just sayin’…. *wink*

pps Maybe you sometimes wonder what hangs from my wrist, ears, and faaangers? If so, it’s your lucky day! After I bought these fabulous bracelets, I asked my cousin (best Stella & Dot stylist on earth!) if I could “advertise” the little dreamboats in hopes she could give Hanover Avenue readers a deal. She said yes because she is the coolest!Stella and Dot AD

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