A thousand years ago, when I was 20, I worked at Shades of Light.
My parents were in the process of getting a stupid divorce, and that small lamp shop (yes, Shade of Light used to be a small shop) took me under its caring wings while I adjusted to the hell of a busted-up family.
The women who ran the store doted on me like their own daughter as I navigated such a sad time in my life. They let me eat Cherry Twizzlers behind the cash register and order take-out Chinese for a “snack.” It was fabulous but definitely contributed to my Sophomore 20 (that is what comes after the Freshman 15, folks).
Besides serving as the shoulders for me to cry on, these wise women taught me so much about lighting. One of the many nuggets of wisdom I gleaned from them is the importance of The Finial.
The crowning jewel of a lamp, the finial can elevate even the most meager light fixture into a bold accessory that literally steals the spotlight.
Hillary Thomas aces the finial, period.
I was in Harbinger on La Cienega the first time I ever saw Hillary’s finials. It was one of those magic days in LA – not a cloud in the sky, 72 and sunny. I had the privilege of shopping with one of the founding members of Interior Canvas, and we both swooned when we saw what can only be described as true art for a light. (Incidentally, if you ever have the chance to pop into Harbinger, go! And if you’ve never read Interior Canvas, do!)
Above is a sampling of some darling finials from Hillary Thomas. It’s impossible to choose my favorites because I would kill for any from her collection! You can buy her finials through her directly here or through Harbinger here.
The finials I’ve handpicked feature cool accents designed to make you do a double take. Ranging from oriental-inspired motifs and funky rock textures to earthy shells and whimsical woven pieces, these accessories can (and will) polish the look of your space with the perfect finishing touch. Whether you just want to dress up a classic drum shade or top off an already eye-catching lamp, Hillary Thomas’ finials can do no wrong.
We all buy earrings to embellish our outfits so why not buy a finial to decorate your lamp! It’s house jewelry. *Bling!*
Happy Shopping!