Simple and Easy!
Raise your hand if Christmas Decorating sometimes stresses you out? ((Our hands are raised!)) We love showing how adding a little jingle to your house can be easier than you might think…. That’s why we were so thrilled that RHome Magazine wrote this story. It’s on news stands now, and my whole team and I could not be more thrilled. In fact, we were so surprised that we got the cover, we started jumping up and down and then I burst into tears through excited cheers!
I don’t want to give away too many details from the fantastic article, but check out some fun video clips that will give you a little taste. In the article RHome shows every image of my house decked out, and they reveal tips of how we pulled it together here!
So if you are anything like us, and you want a pretty holiday house that isn’t too stressful, this RHome article is for you…. We hope you have a blast trying some of our easy and affordable tips to help make your house festive this Christmas!
And for even more tips on how we decorate (along with some fun behind the scenes videos), head to #FlawlessDesignForAll!