Tuesday, June 16th
Look at what the fabulous guys of Williams & Sherrill are up to now! They wanted one lucky reader to have six of the dinner plates and six of the salad plates that we featured in The All Year Outdoor Room. Unbreakable, dishwasher safe, and so fabulous in person, you’ll have to touch them to believe they are not ceramic. I barely stayed standing when I saw them!

Best: If you already have enough plates in your cupboards, Williams & Sherrill certainly understands, so the lucky winner will get a gift certificate for $170 (the value of the plates) to go towards anything from The All Year Outdoor Room. WE LOVE THESE GUYS!
Sidebar: How fabulous would these look for 4th of July?! We imagine this yummy red and white Feta and Watermelon Salad on the large plates!
It’s crazy good and easy to make – a seasonal must! And speaking of easy, anyone who knows me understands I cannot bake AT ALL – truly, I’m the worst baker on earth, which is why I’m in love with this dessert. Wouldn’t this look amazing on the smaller white plates?!
There are three ways for you, dear readers, to win these amazing plates:
- Comment on this post and telling us that “plastic is fantastic” or “melamine steals the scene” or “blue and white light up the night” or any other rhyme that shows how desperately you want these little treasures! *giggle*
- Like our Facebook page
- Repost our All Year Outdoor Room on your Facebook wall and tell all your friends why you love this room
Easy peasy!
The contest ends June 17th, 2015 at 11:59pm EST. The lucky winner will be announced on this page and on Instagram on Thursday, June 18th!
Happy Shopping (or in this case, Happy Winning!)
Thursday, June 18th
To all of you wonderful readers who entered this contest, WE LOVE YOU! You make our days so fun.
And we have a winner! Watch the video to see who won.
And to the winner, HIGH FREAKING FIVE! We can’t wait to send you the $170 gift card for these amazing plates! Email us at info@annetollett.com by June 26th so we can get your prize to you right away.
Happy Shopping!