Always light a wick that’s white.
It helps to make your room look right.
A candle placed but never lit
Simply looks like total $h!t.
You’d always wash before you wear
Your stylish brand new underwear.
So lighting wicks are like clean bloomies.
It must be done to go in roomies.
Here’s what to do-it’s just so simple.
Strike a match and light your candle.
Blow it out after a count to six
Then put it in the candle stick.
A blackened wick is a lot of fun
But more than that, it’s just what’s ‘done.’
I’ve tried them all and found the best
These candles pass my every test.
They’re classic, simple, burn clean and true,
So here I’ll share them just for you!
Happy Shopping!
P.S. Do you know a great design tip that you think everyone would love? Send it to info@annetollett.com. Our team will take a vote on the winner, feature you on Anne Tollett Home, and send you a little present.