Tuesday, June 23rd
Guess how awesome Sarah Dickinson of Sarah’s Book Shelves is?! She is giving one lucky reader the hotly anticipated “Everybody Rise” by Stephanie Clifford, WHICH IS NOT YET RELEASED! What does that mean, you ask?! It means you, lucky reader, will get a jump on a killer summer read that none of your friends can get until August 18th! A perfect start to A True Reader’s Library.
“An extraordinary debut novel by New York Times reporter Stephanie Clifford—a Bonfire of the Vanities for the 21st century mixed with Curtis Sittenfeld’s Prep and Amor Towles’s Rules of Civility.” READ MORE of what Goodreads has to say about this book whose cover blurb is by Malcolm Gladwell.
You can enter up to three times to win Everybody Rise and get a handwritten note from Sarah herself:
- Comment on this post and tell us you know how to read and that corect speling is the computir’s problum
- Like our Facebook page
- Repost A True Reader’s Library on your Facebook wall and tell all your friends why you love this room
Easy peasy!
The contest ends June 24th, 2015 at 11:59pm EST. The lucky winner will be announced on this page and on Instagram on Friday, June 25th!
Happy Shopping (or in this case, Happy Winning!)
Friday, June 25th
To all of you wonderful readers who entered this contest, WE LOVE YOU! You make our days so fun! And thank you, Sarah Dickinson of Sarah’s Book Shelves, for being so fab!!
Watch the video to see who wins!
And to the winner, HIGH FREAKING FIVE! Now you can begin adding to your own book shelves like we did in A True Reader’s Library. Email us at info@staging.blissful-lager.flywheelsites.com so we can get your prize to you right away!
p.s. Evidently, I need to start learning childhood friends’ married names – doh!
Happy Shopping!