I read, I am reading, I read, I have read.
We see them all the time: flawless home libraries that look like the smartest, most stylish, most well traveled person on earth lives there. We admit, we are suckers for a yummy home library, so we wanted to see how a REAL READER – a true book junkie – would stock the shelves! Published libraries in houses from the glossy pages and glowing screens are fabulous, but isn’t it always more fun to feel like you really know what someone reads?! After all, books tell you so much about a person.
Enter: Sarah Hovis Dickinson, the brilliant book blogger behind Sarah’s Book Shelves. Sarah is definitely a real reader, and every book she suggests is a winner. I don’t read as much as I should, but when I do, I always choose one from her list!

Sarah is giving all of us a real treat this Monday when she unveils every book that she would buy to stock a home library. It’s astounding to see her mind at work, and we have grouped the books exactly as she would want – from categories like “Chunksters”, “See I’m Smart”, “Demented Students”, “Goosebump Inducing Sports Books”, “Twisty Thrillers”, to “Wealthy People Behaving Badly”, this girl has you covered. Those categories alone illustrate how funny and quick-witted she is! We adore Sarah and soooo wish we had her literary mind ((sigh)).
Check out a few more teaser images to get you excited for Monday!

We even show you how to perfectly style the shelves on Monday’s Big Reveal!

But there is MORE! We can’t forget to mention the amazing Amy Mills, creative director and print master behind Papermills, who designed the flawless wallcovering for this room! You all voted, and The Green Scheme won. With a slight iridescent background and matte hand printed floral, this paper Blows. Our. Minds!

What a thrill it was to create this room with Sarah! We are so excited for all of you to see “A True Reader’s Library” when you come back on Monday!
Happy Shopping!