Designing Rooms is fun when a family is this amazing!
The winners of the next Virtual Room Makeover are two of the nicest people on earth. They are the loving mother and father of adorable little boys, and they – like so many of us hardworking parents – surrendered one of the rooms in their beautiful house to get through the “toddler years.” Raise your hand if you’ve had to do that too?! ((both of my hands are raised!)) But now that their little ones can safely walk up the stairs to the playroom, they can use this fabulous front room as the living room it was meant to be!
We can’t wait to unveil our next Room Makeover on Monday! Here’s a little sneak peak at the transformation….

We chose durable and chic fabrics and finishes for the space to make the room reflect their flawless taste and their love for enduring design (as well as the reality that little hands and feet inevitably make it onto the furniture!)

Our whole team was so honored to have the chance to design this room for such a wonderful family! If everyone in the world were as lovely as these sweet people, we would all skip to work and dance to sleep! Check back on Monday to see the room revealed – it’s so pretty! Best: like always, the buying guide will link you to stores where you can buy every item in the room from furniture to flowers and paint to paintings!
Happy Shopping!