I want this sticker next time I cast my ballot! . . . just sayin' . . .
We are thrilled so many of you wanted us to design your rooms, and we wish we could have done them all! Alas, we can only do one at a time, so we narrowed it down to three, and we’ll leave it to you lovely readers to decide which one wins our room makeover contest . . . .
Room No. 1, “Letting the Outdoors In (on the dark side of the moon)”

“Hey Honey, I just landed my dream job – and it’s in Singapore!” Raise your hand if you have ever heard THAT one!?!?? ((my hand is not raised))
This loving wife and mother of two young children has true guts. She packed up her life and went on an adventure across the globe in support of her husband’s career. It’s not easy making new friends, helping your kids adjust to new schools, finding a new house, learning a new culture, AND designing a room! I wouldn’t even know how to find a dentist in Singapore let alone find a sofa!

This space has a wonky floor plan, tricky traffic pattern, a big ol’ TV, and walls of windows. *My personal favorite is the builder’s decision to put a mini-split AC unit right in the middle of the room – charming!
She is brave and deserving of a new look for her house that is – literally! – on the other side of the world. Vote below if you want to see this room made over!
Room No. 2, “The Black Potty Half Bath”

Wow. The previous owners made the decision to buy a black toilet. I have used a black toilet before and can tell you it’s horrifying! You can’t see crap.
This wonderful family (and owners of a Noir Toilette) just moved into a charming row house in a dreamy neighborhood in Virginia! But the big sore thumb of her lovely digs is the wretched half bath that everyone sees when they come to visit. (A few days ago, the walls were a blinding shade of red that she painted over in desperation – I love a girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty!)

She is new to town, the mother of two adorable girls, a sweet doggie, and married to a husband who travels and works late hours. She is a truly dedicated CEO of her household – the one that keeps all things running smoothy at home with love, laughter, and elbow grease! Like so many of us, she needs this room to perform quadruple duty, but cannot figure out how to pull it together?
So here we have another deserving reader! A devoted mother, supportive wife, do-it-yourselfer, and owner of a Jet-Black John who wants to make her house feel like home without breaking the bank. Vote below if you want to see this room made over!
Room No. 3, “The Master Bedroom That Needs Some Design Love”

When your husband is a police officer who works insane hours and you are at home taking care of the house AND home schooling your three children, who has time to think about a stylish bedroom?!
This master bedroom could definitely use a little TLC! Obviously they have tried to get it started on their own, but like so many of us, it just never comes together. And if I were cooking dinner AND teaching children to read, my bedroom would be the hallway floor because I’d be too exhausted to walk up a flight of stairs . . . .

My favorite part of this room? Like all men, her husband comes with “gear”. Only this gear – his bullet proof vests and guns – has to stay in the bedroom in a safe to make sure no child can get to it. Does that spell romance to you ladies?! N O P E.
No doubt, this hardworking mother and father from Pensacola, Florida deserve a new bedroom that spells romance and relaxation! Vote below if you want to see this room made over!
You might ask,”HOW DO I VOTE?”
Here’s how: Just leave a comment below for the room you want to see transformed the most – we know, deciding will be hard, so we’re glad we don’t have to do it! {cackle} Anyone can cast their vote until 11:59 EST May 16, 2014. After that, we will count up the comments and begin working on the new room. Oooooh, I do loooove a good before and after shot!
Do you like to rig the system? Do you want more people to vote for the room you love? Just share this post with all of your friends on social media using the hashtag #ivoteforwinners. So simple. So fun!
Happy Shopping (or in this case, Happy Winning!)